How unpredictable is something that happens every year? March is a transition month weather-wise. So sometimes it’s wintery and sometimes it’s springy. That’s the beauty of nature; it operates according to predictable cycles. Don’t get me wrong; I love the feeling of spring. And, I’m always sad to see winter end in Florida because I love wearing socks and boots! Is that a contrast? Yes. Is it surprising? No.
So why do we dedicate a month to “madness”? It may make sense if you’ve been cooped up and freezing all winter like lots of folks. You need something to get excited about and a reason to let off steam! I get that. In Florida, I don’t get it; unless the same sublime weather day after “winter” day makes you crazy. “Madness” is another word for insanity. I like Albert Einstein’s famous quote: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Truth is, many of us operate that way all the time! Think about it… What are you doing just like you did last year, that’s still frustrating you and getting you nowhere (or worse)?
If you really want to do something radical, identify what isn’t working for you, and ask yourself what you really want instead. Then create a plan to have it! Winter “always get you down”? Make a plan to change that! (Yes, there is a way even if you don’t move to Florida…. it’s called an imagination.) Feeling trapped by your job? Still confused about what you want to be when you grow up? Indulging in “March madness” might give you some short-term energy, but madness in your personal life is debilitating. If you want to move past the madness this year, it’s totally possible. If you’re willing to risk being happy all year long, I’ve got proven tools that will get you there. The truth is, the thrill of enjoying your life will far surpasses anything that March can throw at you!