Have you ever protected yourself from disappointment by doing the same old things, even though they no longer brought you joy? Have you ever limited yourself, or filled your life with “busy-ness” in order to avoid discomfort? If so, you know how that flattens your energy. It works for a while, but it’s only a temporary fix.
Have you accomplished goals, created a great life, and enjoyed the fruits of your labor, only to find yourself feeling stuck? It’s a common feeling. That’s because humans are, by nature, “growth-seeking” beings. We are happiest when we are striving toward a goal. Absent this striving, we can easily lapse into the dreaded “comfort coma”! If you’re feeling stuck, you don’t need a crisis to wake you up. Just pick a goal, or simply get back into “growth seeking” mode by implementing the following steps.
1) Try something new. (a new recipe, fly a kite, learn to knit… whatever!)
2) Volunteer some time.
3) Travel to a new place (which might be local)
4) Pursue something creative. (take a class, join a choir, write stories to go with your photos, etc.)
5) Try a new sport that you previously laughed at. (pickleball, shuffleboard, skydiving, etc.)
6) Evaluate your life honestly. (Are you willing to risk being temporarily uncomfortable in order to experience more joy?)
7) Make a radical commitment to time management. Giving excuses about not having time is the enemy of personal growth. Remember: YOU choose where to invest your time.
Don’t let time pass you by. The holidays are a great time to rekindle friendships, experience new ways to celebrate and ponder what you’d like to accomplish in the coming year. Start a journal now and record your ideas!