Linda’s Blog

Be Your Own Valentine
February is the month of love. That may seem like a pretty big leap after a year of epic challenges. Roses, chocolates, and Valentine’s Day cards. What?! You say you’re not feeling the love this year? You’re burned out and cynical about the whole love thing? Why not...
The Energy of Fun
When was the last time you had FUN? Not the pleasant experience of a great dinner or the alcohol-fueled banter of a social gathering. I’m talking about the spontaneous laughter that occurs with others when it’s fueled by imagination?! (Hint: As children, we called...
The Gift of 2020
The term “2020” is now being used to describe a total mess or “rock bottom” situation. And yet, “20/20” is still also used to describe perfect vision. Perhaps they are best used together. Our reward for the turmoil of this year might just be a more perfect shared...
The Value of Gratitude
When I moved to Florida, sight-unseen, from my beloved Colorado, I hated it and vowed I’d never stay. I’ve now loved living here for decades and have created a life beyond what I ever thought possible. How did I shift from hating Florida to loving it? I learned to...
Election Lessons
In the far corner of the storage closet lay a box that sat untouched for decades. It contained my grandfather’s writings, passed down to me for safekeeping. Last month, I began reading them. What a precious discovery! I never got to meet my father’s father; he died...
The Magic of Play
Life can be challenging. Sometimes we’re forced into new experiences whether we like it or not. Truth is, life presents challenges whenever we’re experiencing new things. If you live your life with set routines and a well-formed plan for the future, things can still...