Years ago, as I sat listening to speaker after speaker at yet another conference, one phrase caught my attention. “If you want to make a million dollars, give the world a million dollars worth of value!” As someone who wants success but resists financial details, I...
Beware of “shoulds”. You know the ones. “I should lose weight.” “I should start a savings plan”, “I should exercise”, etc., etc. If you made a list of all those “shoulds” right now, would it look like last year’s list? Is there a particular “should” that has been...
From my beloved Colorado, I moved to Florida with Ron in 1988. I knew nothing about Florida, but I was in love and full of hope. In fact, I was pretty cavalier when I left Boulder that Spring day, telling worried friends that I’d be just fine. After all, “Florida’s...
Facing potential devastation is a clarifying experience. What’s most important to you? What can you do without? What “things” could never be replaced? “What if” scenarios endlessly loop through your mind. But as the forces of nature engulf you, your focus narrows...
Morning routines, bedtime rituals … for some, they are a comfort, for others a chore. Yet most of us underestimate the power of habits in our lives. Think about it. Do you resist brushing your teeth, or is it simply part of your morning routine? Do you struggle to...
If you Google my name, you’ll likely come across another Linda Cobb. The Linda Cobb known as the Queen of Clean. Other than sharing the same name and red hair, I assumed we had little in common. Oh my house is clean, but I’m hardly an expert in housekeeping. Then it...