Facing potential devastation is a clarifying experience. What’s most important to you? What can you do without? What “things” could never be replaced? “What if” scenarios endlessly loop through your mind. But as the forces of nature engulf you, your focus narrows to survival. Simple and utterly clear.
If you’ve ever stared down a pending crisis, you know what I mean. The important things in life come into sharp focus. Suddenly, choices are easy. Life is simple. Complexity falls away and your focus narrows to essentials. Routines stop, and we’re given a glimpse of life without layers of “busy-ness”. And if we don’t allow fear to consume us, we can see our world with fresh eyes. Eyes of gratitude and newfound awareness. If only we could retain those gifts, we’d more often see:
- The profound beauty of nature.
- The delicate nature of a town’s infrastructure.
- Strangers as people, just like me.
- Communities coming together rather than defending their differences.
A big thank you for the helpfulness shown us in the supermarket while stocking up on supplies, to neighbors offering help, and the many phone calls, from near and far, inquiring about our safety.
Returning to our home feeling blessed, unpacking our most precious possessions, checking on neighbors, and knowing exactly what needed to be done. Without hesitation, we tackled endless piles of broken tree limbs and debris left by flooding. That’s the energy of clarity. Void of extraneous minor tasks, we are capable of far more than we realize. Those are the gifts of crisis. In times like these, we can restore life to its basics and begin anew.
I don’t want another hurricane and that goes for any other disaster, but I’ll work to retain the gifts. Most of all, I want to maintain clarity of purpose. Whether you are doing yardwork or life planning, there is power in clarity. I want you to experience the energy of clarity!
Click the link below and use the Wheel of Life to get clear about what’s most important to you. And if you’d like to make a plan to live your life’s highest priorities, schedule your free session with Linda now at https://lindacobb.com/rapid- change/
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Erin Puzel
Sales Promotions Specialist | Supervalu