Be Your Own Valentine

Ah, February…. the month of romance!  Roses, chocolates, and Valentine’s Day cards.  What?! You say you’re not feeling the love?  You’re not part of a romantic couple?  Or you’re burned out and cynical about the whole love thing?  Why not be...

The Power of Systems

Beware of “shoulds”.  You know the ones.  “I should lose weight.”  “I should start a savings plan”, “I should exercise”, etc., etc.  If you made a list of all those “shoulds” right now, would it look like last year’s list?  Is there a particular “should” that has been...

The Value of Gratitude

When I moved to Florida, sight-unseen, from my beloved Colorado, I hated it and vowed I’d never stay.  I’ve now loved living here for decades and have created a life beyond what I ever thought possible.  How did I shift from hating Florida to loving it?  I learned to...

All is Well

Have you ever noticed that when you work really hard at fixing something, you can actually make it worse?  I learned that years ago when I struggled with my weight.  When I worked hard at dieting, I gained weight!  I learned it again when I wrote a book.  I tried hard...

The Power of Appreciation

Have you noticed that when you’re happy, your day goes well? Have you noticed that when you’re unhappy, things tend to get worse? What if you knew that there were laws of nature that were causing both of those outcomes? The good news is that we can all learn those...

The Gift of Fear

Did you know that Halloween began as an ancient holiday to honor all the Catholic saints on one day (All Saints Day)?  I’m unclear how it morphed into a holiday for candy and celebrating all things evil, scary, and supernatural. That’s quite a shift! Perhaps we just...