Pre-Pave Happy Holidays!

Have you noticed that when you’re clear about what you want and why you want it, you feel good?  And have you noticed that when you feel good, things tend to go your way? A clear intention helps us filter out noise and allow clarity to emerge.  That clarity...

Are You In A Comfort Coma?

Have you ever protected yourself from disappointment by doing the same old things, even though they no longer brought you joy? Have you ever limited yourself, or filled your life with “busy-ness” in order to avoid discomfort? If so, you know how that flattens your...

Are You Relying on Motivation?

When I was a kid, I loved every new school year.  I was excited to see my friends, meet my new teacher, and learn new things.  My energy and hopes were high!  Unfortunately, after about 2 weeks, I’d start resisting the daily routine and my energy for...

The Gift

My mom and dad loved sentimental sayings and corny jokes.  In fact, my brother and I would roll our eyes at those jokes and sayings.  Now, all these years later, I cherish those sentimentalities.  After all, I am who I am because of them.  Years...

10 Steps to Optimism

No matter what you intend for the coming year, it’s smart to include a plan for keeping yourself happy. Sound silly?  It’s not; it’s good mental hygiene. Plus, we now know that optimism promotes health, and is the best way to create success in any life arena....

Are You “ALL IN”?

Back when I did counseling, I used to say, “give me someone who’s face down in the mud any day before a client who’s just mildly miserable.”  That’s because I knew, from personal experience, that when we’re face down in the mud, we’re perfectly poised for...