Linda’s Blog

10 Steps to Optimism

No matter what you intend for the coming year, it’s smart to include a plan for keeping yourself happy. Sound silly?  It’s not; it’s good mental hygiene. Plus, we now know that optimism promotes health, and is the best way to create success in any life arena....

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Are You “ALL IN”?

Back when I did counseling, I used to say, “give me someone who’s face down in the mud any day before a client who’s just mildly miserable.”  That’s because I knew, from personal experience, that when we’re face down in the mud, we’re perfectly poised for...

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Be Your Own Valentine

Ah, February…. the month of romance!  Roses, chocolates, and Valentine’s Day cards.  What?! You say you’re not feeling the love?  You’re not part of a romantic couple?  Or you’re burned out and cynical about the whole love thing?  Why not be...

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A New Approach to “Resolutions”

If New Year’s resolutions improved your life in the past, by all means make them. But if you’re like me (and lots of other folks), they energized you for about 2 weeks before you gave up on them.  I say ditch them forever and take a different approach! After all,...

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The Power of Systems

Beware of “shoulds”.  You know the ones.  “I should lose weight.”  “I should start a savings plan”, “I should exercise”, etc., etc.  If you made a list of all those “shoulds” right now, would it look like last year’s list?  Is there a particular “should” that has been...

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The Value of Gratitude

When I moved to Florida, sight-unseen, from my beloved Colorado, I hated it and vowed I’d never stay.  I’ve now loved living here for decades and have created a life beyond what I ever thought possible.  How did I shift from hating Florida to loving it?  I learned to...

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